Geekcreit® NodeMcu Lua ESP8266 ESP-12F WIFI Development Board

honestresearcher Wrote 3118 days ago. Amazing tiny bang... received on time in perfect condition and nice-safe packaging. Made it work within 1-2 hrs with little tweaking of code from github Could turn ON/OFF onboard LED at pin 0 using laptop and mobile connected wirelessly to this board. Onboard voltage regulator, direct interface using usb connection, onboard LED to play with initial trials and long range of wifi signal are big bangs of this tiny wifi monster. I could switch led on and off even from out of room from at least 10m distance. didnt try farther.. but surely will wok better since wifi signals were quite strong. Good support from banggood team, cheapest price available for this product, timely delivery. Just a suggestion - Would have been better to get a usb cable and at least a quick start manual or pinout info for newbee.


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