
Q: Vem com manual em português?

Asked by ferruginis on 2019-11-22 15:57:13

ZaRue Vem com manual em português? (Does it come with a manual in Portuguese?) Não vem com nenhum manual. Existem sites da Internet que podem ajudar. (It does not come with any manual. There are internet sites that might be able to help.)

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Q: does it have a camera

Asked by BG221816511 on 2020-10-19 22:26:18

ZaRue No camera. Not on the ones I received - a pair of mini racing drones with LED lights.

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ZaRue MostArduino kits are not meant to have 'instructions'. There are some 'kits' that are for constructing a particular project and those would have instructions or a link for them. This kit is a basic 'parts' kit for building your own projects. There are many online sources for project ideas and getting started with Arduino though.

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Q: does this drone have a camera?

Asked by BG188465111 on 2020-11-02 07:57:54

ZaRue No,neither of these has a camera. They are awesome though.

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Q: What is the size Lengh

Asked by youki71 on 2020-12-04 09:06:17

ZaRue 34.6456693" in length (880mm)

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Q: Are there any prop guards that would work with these drones?

Asked by JacobMans on 2020-11-30 15:51:38

ZaRue I have not found any so far. The props are quite small and stop when I touched them. Eyes would be the only vulnerable area for injury.

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