
Q: In this watch which app download for English language

Asked by Satyendra Rathore on 2018-08-29 01:40:07

stabgod For iPhones, the app is called Lefun Health and can be downloaded for free from the App store. My version is English - not sure if there are other language options. The app is very simple to use and I suspect even a non-English speaker can understand most of the information on the screen.

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Q: Hi, is it programmable? How?

Asked by vendelin on 2020-10-21 05:06:00

stabgod The software provided only works via smartphone. It is very limited, but does have necessary functionality. Unfortunately, the software does not have any feature for programming the watch.

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Q: Hi can I use it to my monitor Samsung s19d300 ?

Asked by BG035502153 on 2020-06-24 12:22:12

stabgod It is possible to use this as your monitor requires 14V DC, but I would not recommend it. If you turn the wheel too high, you will damage your monitor. A normal power supply for your monitor can be purchased for less money. This power supply is useful for applications where you need different voltages.

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